How have you reinvigorated yourself? What did it take to find that feeling? I have to say that I’m finding that feeling for me and NuStride. After having a great summer and some awesome family time, I started re-branding NuStride with a new symbol, a redesigned website and new ideas for helping leaders move forward.
For me it has generated a lot of excitement but what has really happened? Well, going a little deeper, I found I met more new people, had a new look and learned over the past few months more about myself, my family and the people I work with. It’s generated a great deal of energy within and around me – and I think it’s been tied to the learning side of my development. That has created more fun in my life! I’m on a roll so watch out!!
What has created the energy in your life lately? What can you do to become reinvigorated? I would love to hear what you are doing to continue moving forward!